Inuyasha obsession

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Graphics: Signs

Hi there! I just made some graphics in my spare time and they actually turned out okay, so...
Well, enjoy! And read the RULES FOR THE GRAFFIX before you decide to do anything. Oh, yeah, most of these are enter signs.

This one I used 4 my site. It's pretty. ^_^

This one is okay... I was in a hurry to make it.

This one was finished really really quickly.

I liked this one. It's cool.

I'm no proud of this one... it's so plain...

I titled this one 'grace'. It's very pretty.

This is soooo pretty! I love it! ^_^

I like this. ^_^  W0ot wo0t!


I'm proud of this. I like it, so there!

What do you think? Am I okay? I' m getting a new graphics program soon, so maybe something different next time...